Saturday, August 28, 2010


Dear Mamacita,

I'm feeling stressed and tired and lonely and anxious today. I had a couple of doctor appointments on Thursday to evaluate how I'm doing both physically and emotionally. The verdict? Well that depends on how you look at things. My primary care doctor increased my dosage of Celexa, for depression, from 40mg to 60mg and also increased my Xanax dosage because of my increased anxiety levels. My fingernail cuticles are a direct reflection of my anxiety and right now they are at an embarrassing level of torn up. Nothing feels right in my life right now.

I'm starting the bowling league tonight but it's hard to get excited about it because the fun that I should be having there feels fake. I have become good at faking fun. I love the people there that I'm bowling with, and I know they love me, but it's still hard. But what choices do I really have mom? I could stay home forever and cry and be sad and angry, or I can try. I can try to keep putting one foot in front of the other and making the effort at participating in life.

If I could I would just run away. Everything is very overwhelming to me momma. I'm stressed to the max about potty training, getting ready to go back to school, money issues, anxiety, Adam, my dad, and dealing with fighting kids all the time. If I could I would run away to Grand Marais. I would go to the special place that Dave and I have, out on the huge flat rocks, where he surprised me with a special gift one time. I want to be there and just not see another person. I want to hear the waves crashing on the rocky shore and the seagulls calling from all around. I just want to be alone with my grief and try to figure things out, mom.

All of my heart longs to be with you. Would I find you there in my heart? When will God allow you to come to me, so I can feel your presence? I just need a sign that you're still aware that I am here where you are not, I need a sign that you understand my broken heart and are still here for me. Why haven't I been able to feel you yet momma? How long do I have to wait? It's been four months and all it's been is pain and more pain.

I sometimes wonder if my family and closest friends are tired of hearing about it, and just want me to "move on" or "get over it". I hope they don't feel that way, but I'm not sure. I try not to bring up you or my grief, but it takes up almost all of my heart and all of my brain. Your name is always on the tip of my tongue.

I am afraid a lot, mom. I'm afraid of so many things. I am scared that people will stop talking about you. I am afraid that we will forget the little things that make you, you. I am afraid that as time goes by, people just won't remember or care that I still hurt and this has been a life changing loss for me. I may look the same on the outside, but on the inside, I can never ever go back to who I was a year ago. That girl doesn't exist anymore. Sometimes I see flashes of her, but the new me is so different. I feel like I'm more cynical, irritable, short tempered, scared, and angry. I know I have to resist the urge to push people away. I know I shouldn't test people's love for me by trying to see if I can make them leave me. I wouldn't say that I'm used to the people I love leaving me, but I'm starting to expect it. I've even thought about who will probably be next to leave.

What is permanent in this world, mom? Nothing. I know God is the only constant, but I feel distant, even from Him. I know I could just ask Him in, and he is waiting for me to do just that, but there's so much anger and hurt, I'm not sure how. I'm tired momma. I'm emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually tired. Sometimes I feel like I've got nothing left. The demands keep piling up, but I've got nothing left to give. I wonder if my eyes look as hollow as I feel inside. I know you would be so sad to read this, to hear this, but I don't know how to make it better mom. I can't just make myself "be happy". "They" keep telling me it's just a process... that maybe after a year I will feel better. I hope so. My world hurts right now. I miss you more than I can express with words mom. I miss picking up the phone and telling you all my hurts and worries. Even if you couldn't fix them, I still felt loved and not alone after talking to you. There isn't a price tag I wouldn't pay to have an hour long convo with you again. ..

Waiting for your love,


  1. I can relate to much of what you are expressing. It has taken me a good amount of time to feel Him near. But now I do and even though it doesn't change what has happened, it changes how I look at it. Sure I slip back but then I just immerse myself in Him. Your grief is uique to you. It is traumatic and devastating and it will get better. You are working through it. Much of this journey I have learned is about trust. Trusting Him to make it good. It is easy for me to feel like it is not happening fast enough. I have to remind myself, often let others remind me that it is in His time. When it was just a few weeks after and I was struggling with it all and not feeling Him near, someone very wise told me "you are doing better than it feels Jen-would you trust me and believe this?"
    I hope you can see you are doing better than it feels! Take care my friend! Sending love, prayers and hugs!

  2. Sweetheart, I will never get sick of hearing about your grief, nor will I forget that it is there. I love you, and you don't know how often it is that I think of you throughout the day and wonder how you are "really" doing. Sometimes I get a pesky vibe that I need to poke you and make sure everythings ok. I do wholeheartedly agree with Jen, though, that you are doing better than it feels you are. I know I have used those exact same words before even! Eventually all the pieces will find a place, and you will feel like a person again. It just takes time, love, and a whole lotta tears. Don't beat yourself up because you can't feel your mom with you. She's there and you'll feel her again. She will always be inside of you. Once you can see through the hurt, you will find her. Once you do, you'll be able to see that she never left you. As always, if there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know. Call me, text me, whatever.
    Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
